Vaseline Spray & Go Body Moisturiser

This review will be on the new Spray & Go Body Moisturiser range by Vaseline.

This is a brand new range by Vaseline, it was launched less than two weeks ago here in the UK!

This product is an all over body moisuriser, but in spray form. A continuous spray at that, not single squirts!

There are three sprays in the Spray & Go range, there is an Aloe Vera option (Aloe Fresh), a Cocoa Butter option (Cocoa Radiant), and then the Standard option (the one in the picture below).

Vaseline sprayThe Standard one is the one I own, but I got a chance to test out all 3 options and found that they are all very similar to each other in consistency – which is a very light mist you hold about 10cms away from your skin and just spray as much or as little as you need.

It isn’t the most hydrating moisturiser compared to some of the really rich creamy body butters and similar products available to buy, but the main advantages with this product is that it’s so quick and easy to apply, you can spray it on areas you have any problems reaching (for example your back), and give it a quick rub and it soaks into the skin, leaving your skin feeling soft, but also dry, and not sticky, greasy or oily in the slightest – which is perfect if you are in a rush and need to get dressed quickly afterwards, or if you just want to give yourself a quick spray in the middle of the day or just before bed.

The differences between the three options are that the standard one features Pure Oat Extract which gives is a very light subtle scent, the Aloe Fresh one has pure Aloe within it and is very cool and hydrating for the skin, and has a slight hint of an Aloe Vera scent, but it isn’t at all over powering and smells more fresh than anything, and the Cocoa  Radiant one has an amazing Cocoa smell. It has the strongest scent out of the three variations, but it certainly isn’t an unpleasant scent, it just smells like rich cocoa butter, and this is the one scent out of the three that lingers on the skin even once the product has fully absorbed in.

I have read other people say they find it pricey, but i feel that at £4.99 (RRP) and that gives you not much short of 200ml, it isn’t over priced at all. Especially when you think how much longer it will last than a bottle the same size full of standard lotion where you would use a few large blobs to cover your body, with this you don’t use too much as it comes out as such a fine spray.

I only purchased the Standard/Pure Oat bottle, but i will be definitely going back to get one of each of the other options as well, as it really is a lovely product!

Hope this helps!

Kammi Signature


  1. ......Beauty Book Blog...... – Colours of the Rainbow Tag

    August 13, 2013 at 10:56 pm

    […] this isn’t cheating….)  I have chosen a product that already has its own full review here. I just really love it! That’s allowed isn’t it? Either way.. it’s in […]

  2. Star Light

    August 19, 2013 at 11:02 am

    I love Vaseline! 🙂 I use the cream moisturizer..haven’t seen the spray one! Would love to try this out! <3

    1. Kammitted

      August 19, 2013 at 1:14 pm

      It really is lovely 🙂 and it’s so quick and easy! Absorbs in so well! 🙂 let me know what you think if you get it! 🙂 xx

  3. Rachel

    September 3, 2013 at 10:07 pm

    I love the sound of these! Seen so many positive reviews – I can’t wait to try them out (bit late I know hehe!) xx

    1. Kammitted

      September 3, 2013 at 10:26 pm

      I will be picking up more when this one runs out! They are so awesome really 😀 x

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